
a cooperative security that we have so called global challenges, challenges for the whole humankind. Doesn't matter if you are Chinese, American or European. And in this re...

From NBA to CBA, how was I influenced by the Chinese culture?△马布里(Stephon Marbury)为人当如水一般。我的朋友,清空你的思想。没有形状,没有棱角,就像水一样。当你把水倒进...

We have great confidence in our path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the meantime, we also respect the development paths chosen by other nations. We are not i...

chinese people are coming closer to the happy lives they’ve pursued for thousands of years. 但美好的生活不能从天而降。一个生活宽裕、温馨和睦、讲究礼仪的小康社会,需要每个人...

吴惠波毕业于北师大外文系,时年约50,每堂课开始前,她都要领着学生大声朗读:“We are Chinese, we love China, long live China!”(我们是中国人,我们爱中国,中国万岁!)\n张荫轩...

更多内容请点击:古拉尔奇克:波兰在“冷战思维”作用下,还能与中国合作吗? 推荐文章